Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Mini/Small Quilts Help Day

Because the cost of materials and machine quilting to offer a full sized Opportunity quilt for a fund raising project is exceeding the money we have been collecting, last fall the board voted to try something new for the 2016 fundraiser.
Here's how it will go...
As small groups or as individuals we will make at least 6 quilts to be offered as our fund raiser project.
When they are ready for display, each quilt will be given a number and there will be a corresponding envelope or box with the same number.
Tickets will still be sold for $1 each or 6 for $5
The buyer of the tickets will have the option of which quilt(s) they would like to try and win by putting their tickets into the corresponding envelope or box.  There will be no limit to how many tickets the person may put on an individual quilt...
At the end of the fund raising period (to be determined by the board) one ticket will be drawn from each envelope/box as the winner.  As an option a second ticket could be drawn just in case the "winner" never returns the "you have won" call.
The board will decide on how long the "winner" has to respond to the call from the drawing.

If you don't have a group to work with come and see if you can join others.  Of course, you have the option to do one on your own or not at all.
If you have some ideas to share bring them on Tuesday...books, patterns or magazines we can check them all out!
photo from

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